VB Utf-8 转 Unicode
作者:admin 日期:2008-04-15
Function Utf8ToUnicode(ByRef sDest As String, ByVal MaxDestChars As Long, _
ByRef Source() As Byte, ByVal SourceBytes As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long, count As Long
Dim c As Byte
Dim wc As Long
Dim Dest() As Byte
'Dim Source() As Byte
'If sSource = "" Then
' Utf8ToUnicode = 0
' Exit Function
'End If
Utf8ToUnicode = -1
count = 0
i = 0
If sDest <> "" Then
'Source = sSource
ReDim Dest(MaxDestChars * 2 + 1)
While (i < SourceBytes) And (count < MaxDestChars)
wc = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (wc And &H80&) <> 0 Then
If i >= SourceBytes Then Exit Function '// incomplete multibyte char
wc = wc And &H3F&
If (wc And &H20&) <> 0 Then
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &HC0&) <> &H80& Then Exit Function '// malformed trail byte or out of range char
If i >= SourceBytes Then Exit Function '// incomplete multibyte char
wc = (wc * (2 ^ 6)) or (c And &H3F&)
End If
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &HC0&) <> &H80& Then Exit Function '// malformed trail byte
Dest(count * 2 + 1) = (((wc * (2 ^ 6)) or (c And &H3F&)) And &HFF00&) \ (2 ^ 8)
Dest(count * 2) = ((wc * (2 ^ 6)) or (c And &H3F&)) And &HFF&
Dest(count * 2 + 1) = (wc And &HFF00&) \ (2 ^ 8)
Dest(count * 2) = wc And &HFF&
End If
count = count + 1
If count >= MaxDestChars Then count = MaxDestChars - 1
Dest(count * 2) = 0
Dest(count * 2 + 1) = 0
While (i < SourceBytes)
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &H80&) <> 0 Then
If i >= SourceBytes Then Exit Function '// incomplete multibyte char
c = c And &H3F&
If (c And &H20&) <> 0 Then
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &HC0&) <> &H80& Then Exit Function '// malformed trail byte or out of range char
If i >= SourceBytes Then Exit Function '// incomplete multibyte char
End If
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &HC0&) <> &H80& Then Exit Function '// malformed trail byte
End If
count = count + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve Dest(count)
sDest = Dest
Utf8ToUnicode = Len(sDest)
End Function
Private Function Utf8Decode(s As String) As String
Dim L As Integer
Dim Temp As String
Dim Src() As Byte
Src = s
Utf8Decode = ""
If s = "" Then Exit Function
Temp = String((UBound(Src) + 1) * 2, vbNullChar)
L = Utf8ToUnicode(Temp, (UBound(Src) + 1) * 2 + 1, Src, (UBound(Src) + 1))
If L > 0 Then
Temp = Left(Temp, L - 1)
Temp = ""
End If
Utf8Decode = Temp
End Function
ByRef Source() As Byte, ByVal SourceBytes As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long, count As Long
Dim c As Byte
Dim wc As Long
Dim Dest() As Byte
'Dim Source() As Byte
'If sSource = "" Then
' Utf8ToUnicode = 0
' Exit Function
'End If
Utf8ToUnicode = -1
count = 0
i = 0
If sDest <> "" Then
'Source = sSource
ReDim Dest(MaxDestChars * 2 + 1)
While (i < SourceBytes) And (count < MaxDestChars)
wc = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (wc And &H80&) <> 0 Then
If i >= SourceBytes Then Exit Function '// incomplete multibyte char
wc = wc And &H3F&
If (wc And &H20&) <> 0 Then
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &HC0&) <> &H80& Then Exit Function '// malformed trail byte or out of range char
If i >= SourceBytes Then Exit Function '// incomplete multibyte char
wc = (wc * (2 ^ 6)) or (c And &H3F&)
End If
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &HC0&) <> &H80& Then Exit Function '// malformed trail byte
Dest(count * 2 + 1) = (((wc * (2 ^ 6)) or (c And &H3F&)) And &HFF00&) \ (2 ^ 8)
Dest(count * 2) = ((wc * (2 ^ 6)) or (c And &H3F&)) And &HFF&
Dest(count * 2 + 1) = (wc And &HFF00&) \ (2 ^ 8)
Dest(count * 2) = wc And &HFF&
End If
count = count + 1
If count >= MaxDestChars Then count = MaxDestChars - 1
Dest(count * 2) = 0
Dest(count * 2 + 1) = 0
While (i < SourceBytes)
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &H80&) <> 0 Then
If i >= SourceBytes Then Exit Function '// incomplete multibyte char
c = c And &H3F&
If (c And &H20&) <> 0 Then
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &HC0&) <> &H80& Then Exit Function '// malformed trail byte or out of range char
If i >= SourceBytes Then Exit Function '// incomplete multibyte char
End If
c = Source(i)
i = i + 1
If (c And &HC0&) <> &H80& Then Exit Function '// malformed trail byte
End If
count = count + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve Dest(count)
sDest = Dest
Utf8ToUnicode = Len(sDest)
End Function
Private Function Utf8Decode(s As String) As String
Dim L As Integer
Dim Temp As String
Dim Src() As Byte
Src = s
Utf8Decode = ""
If s = "" Then Exit Function
Temp = String((UBound(Src) + 1) * 2, vbNullChar)
L = Utf8ToUnicode(Temp, (UBound(Src) + 1) * 2 + 1, Src, (UBound(Src) + 1))
If L > 0 Then
Temp = Left(Temp, L - 1)
Temp = ""
End If
Utf8Decode = Temp
End Function
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